New Years Resolutions from a website design & development company.

In addition to losing weight, keeping our offices cleaner and making sure the coffee machine is descaled on a regular basis, we at Kirk Website Design & Development company are resolved to do the following for 2015:

First, it’s only the first week of 2015. Like we do every year, we remind all of our clients to update the copyright footer on their website to 2015. Otherwise Google begins to think that the content is getting long in the tooth.

Second, we resolve to approach website design, SEO and content development based on our client’s business goals. This is something we have always worked hard at. But, website design & development companies too often get caught up in finding the right colors, a cool technology and fixing web coding and CMS problems that may (or may not) be that much of a problem to the client.

Instead, Kirk Website Design & Development will focus on business goals: What do our clients want to get out of their businesses this year? How are they going to go about it? How much money will they invest in that business to make it happen? Armed with that information we’re much more likely to know what they will need their website to do. How many leads they will expect from that site and how much it will cost.

Armed with the above it will then be easy for us to know what clients expect from Kirk Website Design & Development Company. For example, maybe their current site doesn’t need to be written in another language, when simply search optimizing the content will do. If they want to see a 10% increase in revenue and that can be achieved through some careful keyword selections for SEO or PPC, then that will be our primary focus. The point is we will become more aligned with our client’s businesses than ever before. And when they visit our offices, they can expect coffee that’s hot, fresh and mineral free.

Happy New Year!