Google Medic Update

Back in early August, Google released a new core algorithm update that is already impacting sites accessing the preeminent search engine. This is the company’s third update in 2018. The update, known as the “Google Medic Update,” is Google’s latest broad, global update. As alluded by the update’s nickname, the update mostly is impacting healthcare… Read More

Common SEO Mistakes

You and your company’s content marketing strategy is built around search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO. This facet of marketing has changed over the years, but still remains atop most marketers’ agendas. This is because your company’s SEO directs customers to you and your products, as well as impacting your sales by introducing customers… Read More

One website design & development company’s opinion. As a website design & development company with significant SEO experience we’re pretty biased on SEO DIY. Just a few short years ago, a website owner could make sure they had the right Meta tags, some anchor text and a few well-chosen keywords to get them on the… Read More

You can never be too rich or too thin said the Dutchess of Windsor. But, as a website design & development company, we do know that you can be over SEOd. Just ask Google. It was only a couple of years ago that Google started looking for “over SEOd” sites. That is, sites with keyword… Read More

As an NH SEO company, we often get asked what is the best way to optimize for the local level? First, companies know who their customers are. Where are they located? Are they primarily located in their state or are more located nationally? Who do they want to sell to now and in the future?… Read More

Beware the fly-by-night SEO company. We meet with people all the time who have spent years building valuable e-commerce sites only to be done in by one unscrupulous SEO NH company. Take for example, the company who hired an SEO company that promised to add 29,000 back links per month to their site in order… Read More

On most days, we love what we do. We help companies improve their online image and rank higher on search engines. In general, higher rank means higher inquiries and more sales. It all seems so easy that any one can do it. Unfortunately, SEO is becoming increasingly hard. SEO is not unlike many other industries… Read More

SEO, or search engine optimization is a relatively new business, which means there are a lot of folks jumping into the game when they have no experience, or credentials to really offer a competent service. Add on to this fact that we still have record unemployment and you have a recipe for disaster. An SEO… Read More

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is easy right?  Sure, just change some meta data, sprinkle a few key words here and there and presto, instant results on page one of Google. Five years ago, you could get away with this type of effort and do well on any of the major search engines.  Given that… Read More

We often get asked about directories and directory listings.  Directories are essentially huge online phone books.  They are important for search for several reasons. First, they allow your content to be found in places that are highly searched. Second, correctly done, directory listings create a valuable link back to your website. What is a valuable… Read More

Having an SEO strategy is important, however, it’s equally as important to deploy the SEO strategy across your entire company. After all you always accomplish more if multiple people are working toward the same goal. Remember that educating people is important, the more people within your company that understand SEO, it’s benefits and your goals… Read More